Getting Started

In order to get this project running from source, you will need to have Python 2.7, node.js, and a C compiler installed. node.js is used for building the web assets, but is not used for running the server.

Setting up the Python Environment

git clone
cd tessera
virtualenv .
. bin/activate

# If you are on a Mac and have XCode 5.1 installed, you'll need this
# set before installing the dependencies from requirements.txt for
# SQLAlchemy's C extensions to compile.
export ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Setting up the Javascript Environment

Javascript code is bundled using Grunt. To set up grunt and generate the bundled .js files that the web app loads:

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install

If you’re going to edit the javascript, .css, or .hbs files and wish to automatically regenerate the bundled files as they’re edited, run

grunt watch &

Create the database

Tessera is configured by default to run off of a sqlite backing store, which has to be initialized, and can be populated with a bunch of demo dashboards. To initialize the database and generate the demo dashboards:

inv db.init
inv run &
inv json.import 'demo/*'

The importer uses Tessera’s ReST API to do the import, so the server must be running.


Tessera provides a short but flexible configuration hierarchy:

  • Application defaults are stored in tessera/
  • If a file etc/ exists, relative to the app process’ working directory, it will be loaded next, overriding settings from the above defaults file.
  • If the environment variable TESSERA_CONFIG is set, the file it points to will be loaded last, overriding settings from either of the above two.

The settings you will most likely need to change from the get-go are:

  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: A database URI string telling SQLAlchemy where to find your database, e.g. sqlite:///tessera.db to load a file relative to the Tessera app code, sqlite:////var/data/tessera/app.db to load a DB from a systemwide /var/data/ hierarchy, or postgresql://localhost/tessera to load the tessera Postgres db from a local default Postgres install.
  • GRAPHITE_URL: The URL to your Graphite webapp, e.g.
  • SECRET_KEY: Key used to secure sessions.

Graphite-Web Configuration

Tessera makes requests to graphite-web directly from the browser, so it requires configuration of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on your graphite web server.

For example, in nginx:

add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;


In development environments, running Tessera is as simple as:

# Run it (defaults to http://localhost:5000)
inv run

In production we recommend using gunicorn or your WSGI server of choice, e.g.:

gunicorn [gunicorn opts here] tessera:app

Importing Dashboards from Graphite-Web

Importing dashboard definitions from the built-in dashboard system in graphite-web is currently supported, via the command import_graphite_dashboards, which supports four optional arguments query, layout, and columns, and overwrite.

By default, the importer will skip any dashboards that have already been imported, as determined by the original dashboard URL in Dashboard.imported_from. To re-import a dashboard, overwriting the definition, supply --overwrite on the command line.

To import everything with default settings, which will create a 4 column fluid layout:

$ inv graphite.import

You can import a subset of dashboards with the --query parameter.

$ inv graphite.import --query=hbase

The importer also allows specify the basic layout type (fluid or fixed), and the number of columns.

$ inv graphite.import --query=api --layout=fixed --columns=1